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Distinguished Alumni Award Winner

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Sharon Scott 

She has been president since 1980 of LifeSkills for Positive Living, a consulting/training/counseling firm. She developed one of the most highly respected refusal skills program in the nation, “Peer Pressure Reversal,” and personally trained over 1 million people in 42 U.S. states and Australia, South Africa, Turkey, Malaysia, Switzerland, Spain, Canada, the Philippines and Micronesia in its proven techniques.

     Scott developed and implemented “Positive Peer Groups” in numerous elementary and secondary schools across the U.S. and designed the highly successful STOP program in Plano in 1983 following their cluster of teen suicides. She developed the SWAT (Students Working All Together) teams in the Hurst-Euless-Bedford high schools in 1986 that resulted in the first decrease in the number to alternative school for drugs in 10 years. Both programs continue to operate.

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