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Denison Lunch Bunch

December 18, 2019

Be sure that you have the date of our next Denison Lunch Bunch meeting circled on your 2020 calendar. The third Wednesday is: January 15, 2020 Please plan to attend our meeting at:

The Smokehouse BBQ Restaurant

1123 Fort Worth Drive (Hwy 377)

Denton, Texas 76205

(940) 566-3073


The weather was great and the attendance was great with 16 of us present (6 ladies and 10 gentlemen). Rex Taylor presided (always does a wonderful job) and Gene Gohlke led the opening  prayer. 

Attending were:

  • Melvin Gouge-'54

  • Gwen Guinn Henderson-'62

  • Jerry Don Henderson-'61

  • Fred Lane-'55

  • Wanda Box  Lane-'59

  • Bill McClure-'48

  • Jan McClure

  • Vaughn Oliver-'59

  • Bob Sittel-'59

  • Carmen Sittel

  • Curt Stogsdill-'58

  • Rex Taylor-'58

  • Martin Wineinger-'58

  • Gene Gohlke-'53

  • Judy Hoover Gohlke-'58

  • Shelley Henderson Rickerson, daughter of the Hendersons


Eleven Christmas gifts were brought and exchanged. These DHS friends picked their gifts:

  • #1-Curt Stogsdill

  • #2-Gwen Henderson

  • #3-Rex Taylor

  • #4-Gene Gohlke

  • #5-Bill McClure

  • #6-Judy Gohlke

  • #7-Jerry Don Henderson

  • #8-Jan McClure

  • #9-Melvin Gouge

  • #10-Martin Wineinger

  • #11-Shelley Henderson Rickerson


Exchanging gifts is always fun and the discussions of Christmas past was great! We are looking forward to December, 2020!

Bob Sittel announced that one of our members, Macky McClure, has recently passed. He was in the DHS class of '59.

Dossie Vick's service was held in Denison at the Fairview Chapel on Decemberr 17, 2019. The Denison Lunch Bunch was represented by Horace Groff, Donna Hunt, Gene and Judy Gohlke. Rex participated in the service. Dossie will be missed and we ask that you keep his family in your prayers. Martin Wineinger will probably miss our January meeting due to the possibility of having surgery. He has perfect attendance for several years!  Great job, Martin!!! But we will miss him! We shall keep him in  our prayers for a speedy recovery so that he can return to our Denison Lunch Bunch meetings!!


Vaughn Oliver will miss the next several meetings since he is a teacher!

Clifton and Joyce Weaver may be at our next meeting (January 15, 2020). Clifton has had some health problems and surgery. We hope Edwina, Jay, and Vance Bates, Paula Clark Blind, Mary Kolmer, Horace Groff, George and Linda Odom, and YOU will be able to attend our January meeting. (Can you believe that it's 2020 already????????}.


Our server received $70.00 for her excellent service and as a Christmas gift!!


Please plan to join us for the next meeting! I (Judy Gohlke) guarantee that you will have fun and get to eat some delicious food!! We will meet on January 15, 2020!!!

Gene and Judy



November 20, 2019

Be sure that you have the date marked on your calendar for our next meeting of the Denison Lunch Bunch which will be: 

December 18, 2019.


And, most importantly--Please plan to attend!! We meet at the

Smokehouse BBQ Restaurant

1123 Fort Worth Drive (Hwy 377)

Denton, Texas 76205



Due to rain being forecast at our last meeting on November 20, attendance was very low--only 9 of us were present--5 men and 4 ladies. But, the conversations were great, as usual, and led by Rex Taylor with opening prayer by Gene Gohlke. 


Attending were:

  • Paula Clark Blind-'60

  • Gwen Guinn Henderson-'61

  • Jerry Don Henderson-'61

  • Curt Stogsdill-'58

  • Rex Taylor-'58

  • Martin Wineinger-'58

  • Gene Gohlke-'53

  • Judy Hoover Gohlke-'58

Our wonderful guest was Shelley Henderson Rickerson, daughter of the Hendersons.


For our meeting on December 18, please remember to bring a wrapped Christmas gift in the $20 range. We will be exchanging gifts in the same manner that we've done before. This is always a lot of fun so please come enjoy this with us!!


The November meeting was attended by these  represented cities:

  • Fort Worth 1

  • Sherman 4

  • Denton 4


Denison High School Class years represented were:

  • '53  -   1

  • '58  -   4 (they win AGAIN)

  • '60  -   1

  • '61  -   2

  • Guest - 1


We received a message from Bobby Sittel that a friend of his and a fellow DHS graduate, John Burtis, passed away.  He was a son of the owner of Burtis Drug located on Main Street next to Kress and down the street from the Rialto Theater!!!


We have sad, sad news about one of our most active members in years past, Dossie Vick, he passed away on Wednesday afternoon, December 11,  around 5:30. We don’t have any definite service time for Dossie’s memorial but will send an additional message when details are known. Please keep the family in your prayers.


We are hoping that you will be able to attend our next meeting on Wednesday, December 18, around 11:30. 


Edwina, Jay, and Vance Bates

Melvin and Barbara Gouge

Mary Wineinger Kolmer

Bill and Jan McClure

Bobby and Carman Sittle

Clifton and Joyce Weaver




Our server, Sadie,  received $35.00 for the excellent service and delicious food!!




Gene and Judy Gohlke



September 18, 2019

Please check your October calendar and, hopefully, you have noted that Denison Lunch Bunch meeting is there on--Wednesday, October 16, 2019--and you plan to attend!!! 

                        Smokehouse BBQ Restaurant

                        1123 Fort Worth Drive (Hwy 377)

                        Denton, Texas 76205


As usual, the September meeting was wonderfully led by Rex Taylor and the opening prayer by Gene Gohlke. 

An unusual attendance at our September meeting--7 ladies and 7 men-and we had a GREAT time!!!

  • Paula Clark Blind-'60

  • Gwen Guinn Henderson-'61

  • Jerry Don Henderson-'61

  • Mary Wineinger Kolmer-'61

  • Bill McClure-'48

  • Jan McClure

  • Bob Sittle-'59

  • Carmen Sittle

  • Curt Stogsdill-'58

  • Rex Taylor-'58

  • Martin Wineinger-'58

  • Shelly Rickerson (daughter of the Hendersons-a lovely young addition     to our group)

  • Gene Gohlke-'53

  • Judy Hoover Gohlke-'58


HOORAY!! The DHS class of 1958 WON the attendance AGAIN!!! But we missed YOU!! Please try to attend our next meeting on October 16!! We also missed

  • Jay, Edwina, and Vance Bates

  • Melvin and Barbara Gouge

  • Fred and Wanda Lane

  • George and  Linda Odom

  • Bob Rutledge

  • Dossie and Elayne Vick

  • Clifton and Joyce Weaver


If you can, please give these "missing ones" a call and remind them to come!! Assure them that they were missed. 

Due to Carmen's not feeling well, Bob and Carmen left early but THEY WERE THERE!!

Bill and Jan McClure informed us that Bill's 90th Birthday Party at their Church had 110 who were able to attend!!

Curt Stogsdill told me about their (Curt and his wife Chris) recent trip down the Mississippi River!! FUN, FUN, FUN!!

Our server, Piper, received $43.00 from the group for her wonderful service and attention to our luncheon needs! Piper will no longer be with us because she secured a job in Gainesville where her family resides. We shall miss her.

Donna Hunt, DHS class of 1953 and a retired editor of the Denison Herald, had heart surgery and is doing well. (She and Gene attended Peabody Elementary School and were in the same classes many times!!


Again, please check your October calendar (10-16-19) and we shall look forward to seeing you!! October 16, 2019 - our next meeting:

Smokehouse BBQ

1123 Fort Worth Drive (Hwy 377)

Denton, Texas 76205 - Phone (940)566-3073 



August 21, 2019

Our next Denison Lunch Bunch meeting is already on your calendar, right?

Check now-our meeting on September 18, 2019, will be at the Smokehouse BBQ Restaurant, 1123 Fort Worth Drive (Hwy 377), Denton. We will be looking for you and be assured that you will have a wonderful time!! Everyone always does!


The August meeting was led by Rex Taylor and the opening prayer was given by Gene Gohlke. 


Those present at this fun-filled meeting were:

  • Edwina Leuty Bates-'48

  • Jay L. Bates-'48

  • Vance Bates

  • Paula Clark Blind-'60

  • Gene Gohlke-'53

  • Judy Hoover Gohlke-'58

  • Melvin Gouge-'54

  • Bill McClure-'48

  • Jan McClure

  • Vaughn Oliver-'59

  • Curt Stogsdill-'58

  • Rex Taylor-'58

  • Martin Wineinger-'58

Thirteen of us were there and the class of '48 and the class of '58 beat the rest of the classes in attendance!! HOORAY for them. Vaughn Oliver (59) isn't always available for our meetings. He is a teacher and with school in session it will be a while before he will be able to join us again and we miss him when he's not here!!


We missed so many of you and wish you could be with us. Some of our regular attendees who were absent were:

  • Jerry Don and Gwen Guinn Henderson

  • Mary Kolmer

  • Fred and Wanda Lane

  • George and Linda Odom

  • Bobby Rutledge

  • Bob and Carmen Sittle

  • Clifton and Joyce Weaver

If you can, please call our friends that are missing the meetings and let them know that we do miss them and would love to see them at the meeting!!


Bill McClure '48 celebrated his 90th  birthday on August 18. This was announced by his wife of 33 years, Jan McClure. So happy for both of them!!


Stories of marriages shared by Rex and Bill and Jan were enjoyed by all. As a matter of fact, Gene and Judy Gohlke have just celebrated 60 years of marriage on September 4. We were married at Waples Methodist Church in Denison.


Other news and items of interest:

  • A letter from Denison I.S.D. Alumni Association was read thanking us for the donation sent in memory of John Zackery in the amount of $123.00. 

  • The recent passing of Patsy Swain, class of 1949, and widow of Brit Swain. Patsy passed on August 8, 2019. 

  • If you are not receiving emails from Clifton Weaver, please feel free to call him (817)713-5681. 


Our regular server, Piper, received $50.00 from those of us attending. 


Our next meeting will be September 18, 2019, around 11:30-1:30. We will see YOU at the Smokehouse BBQ, 1123 Fort Worth Drive (Hwy377), phone





Please come! I guarantee that you will have a terrific time! (JHG)



July 17, 2019

Please put Denison Lunch Bunch on your calendar. We will meet on Wednesday, August 21, 2019, at The Smokehouse BBQ Restaurant, 1123 Fort Worth Drive (Hwy 377), Denton, around 11:30. We have a private room to the right as you enter the restaurant. The food is OUTSTANDING, as is the service!!


Our meeting in July was led by MC Rex Taylor and the prayer was led by Gene Gohlke. 


Those present at this fun meeting were:

  • Jay L. Bates-'48

  • Edwina Leuty Bates-'48

  • Vance Bates

  • Paula Clark Blind-'60

  • Gene Gohlke-'53

  • Judy Hoover Gohlke-'58

  • Barbara Gouge

  • Melvin Gouge-'54

  • Gwen Guinn Henderson-'61

  • Jerry Don Henderson-'61

  • Bill McClure-'48

  • Jan McClure

  • Bobby Sittel-'59

  • Carmen Sittel

  • Rex Taylor-'58

  • Martin Wineinger-'59

  • Shelley Rickerson , daughter of the Hendersons, was a welcome returning guest!!


Seventeen were present and we had a wonderful time visiting. Jay L., Edwina, Vance, Barbara, and Shelly haven't been present in a while and it was wonderful to have them there with us!! Hope that they will return for our August meeting!


If you weren't there, please know that you were missed!! Maybe you will be able to attend in August!!!


Members who often attend but were absent and very much missed at this meeting were:

  • Fred and Wanda Lane

  • Mary Kolmer

  • George and Linda Odom

  • Bobby Rutledge

  • Curt and Chris Stogsdill

  • Dossie and Elayne Vick

  • Clifton and Joyce Weaver


Please, if you have time, call these missing members and ask them to please be present at our August 21 meeting. 


Jan McClure announced that her husband, Bill, DHS class of '48, will be 90 years old on August 18 and a celebration is to be held at First Baptist Church in Keller on August 25, from 2:00-5:00. She invited our entire Denison Lunch Bunch group!!


Stories about our early marriages were shared by Rex, Jan & Bill, Bobby Sittle, and Gene.  We shared other stories of our times in Denison. Some of the stories were very revealing!!!


Melvin Gouge sent a money order in the amount of $123.00 to the Denison Alumni Association in loving memory of John Zachery (class of 50). John was an active member of Denison Lunch Bunch and is missed. 


At this meeting, our server Ashley received $52 for her great service.


We shall see you August 21, at our next meeting. Please be present! We promise that you will have a wonderful time!

See you at the Smokehouse BBQ Restaurant, 1123 Fort Worth Dive, Denton, Texas, 76205 (phone 940-566-3073)!!!



May 15, 2019

Our fourth meeting at the  Smokehouse BBQ Restaurant, located at 1123 Fort Worth Drive in Denton was well attended considering some of our regular attendees were not present! Among the missing were Mary Kolmer, Bill and Jan McClure, George and Linda Odom, Bob Rutledge, Dossie and Elayne Vick, Clifton and Joyce Weaver, and Gene and Judy Gohlke. 


Our next meeting will be June 19, 2019, at the Smokehouse BBQ Restaurant. Please, please try to be there. The fun we have talking about the "old times" and the "troubles we had then" is unreal. We find out a lot about our classmates that truly add joy to our memories of growing up in "our" Denison!! We also have delicious food, excellent service, and a private room for our Denison Lunch Bunch meeting. 


We will be taking up a memorial gift at our next meeting (June 19, 2019) for John Zachary, who passed away March 5, 2019. Please continue to keep his family in your prayers.  John was very active in our past meetings and we miss him.  


It was reported by Rex Taylor that Spring Fling-2019 which was held on April 27, was well attended by our Lunch Bunch members. These Spring Flings are usually held every two (2) years. Many of us are already looking forward to attending Spring Fling-2021. 


The May 15, 2015, meeting was attended by our classmates. Rex Taylor served as MC and Horace Groff led the prayer.


Those present were: 

  • Jay L. Bates-'48

  • Edwina Leuty Bates-'48

  • Vance Bates

  • Paula Clark Blind-'60

  • Horace Groff -'58

  • Jeanne Groff

  • Kenzie Hebert (granddaughter of the Groffs)

  • Melvin Gouge-'54

  • Gwen Guinn Henderson-'61 (Gwen, is this correct?)

  • Jerry Don Henderson-'61

  • Fred Lane-'55

  • Bobby Sittle-'59

  • Carmen Sittle

  • Curt Stogsdill-'58

  • Rex Taylor-'58

  • Martin Wineinger-'58


Our server received a generous $51 for her excellent service.


Please remember to put our next meeting on your calendar!! We will be meeting on the third Wednesday of June, Wednesday, June 19, 2019 at


The Smokehouse BBQ

1123 Fort Worth Drive

Denton, Texas




April 17, 2019


Our third meeting at the Smokehouse BBQ Restaurant, located at 1123 Fort Worth Drive, Denton, 

(phone 940-566-3073) was fairly well attended considering that it had rained, rained, and rained some more!! 

We give you the information about the new location because you may not be aware that Golden Corral has closed without any notice to us or any other groups that met there. 


Our next meeting will be on May 15, 2019 which will be our fourth time to meet at "our new place!" Please try to be there. They do serve wonderful meals including bar-b-que but they are well known for terrific meals which ARE NOT bar-b-que!!


The meeting on April 17 was led by our terrific MC Rex Taylor. Prayer was by Gene Gohlke. 

We had eight in attendance:

  • Paula Clark Blind-'60

  • Gene Gohlke-'53

  • Judy Hoover Gohlke-'58

  • Melvin Gouge-'54

  • Bobby Sittel-'59

  • Carmen Sittel

  • Rex Taylor-'58

  • Martin Wineinger-'58


We missed  all of you who were not able to attend!! We are thinking the weather kept you from attending and, hopefully, the weather on the 15th of May will be a great sunny day!!


This is just a partial list of those who were NOT at our meeting. Know that you were all missed. Jay L., and Edwina Bates, Dossie and Elayne Vick (have you read her book-it's wonderful), Clifton and Joyce Weaver, Jerry Don and Gwen Henderson, George and Linda Odom, Bobby Rutledge, Curt and Chris Stogsdill, Mary Kolmer, Wanda and Fred Lane, and YOU, if you weren't there! 


We really have a wonderful time sharing memories, stories, and friends. 


We decided to wait to take up a memorial gift for John Zachary, who passed on March 5, 2019. We already miss him. Please keep his wife Mickye and family in your prayers. 


Our server received $45.00 at our meeting. Even though there were so few of us there, we were very generous. 


Please remember to put on your calendar that we are meeting on the third Wednesday (this month-May 15), at 




DENTON, TEXAS (940)566-3073



March 20, 2019

Our second meeting at the Smokehouse BBQ Restaurant located at 1123 Fort Worth Drive, Denton 76205, was a success. Their phone number is (940)566-3073. This information is for those that have not attended or been to the restaurant before. The next meeting date is April 17, 2019 and will be our third time at the Smokehouse BBQ. Hopefully, we will see you there and catch up with each other!!!


The meeting on March 20 was called to order by our MC Rex Taylor and the prayer was offered by Gene Gohlke. Twelve of us attended!!

  • Gene Gohlke-'53

  • Judy Hoover Gohlke-'58

  • Melvin Gouge-'54

  • Gwen Guinn Henderson-'62

  • Jerry Don Henderson-'61

  • Fred Lane-'55

  • George Odom-'48

  • Linda Odom                        

  • Bobby Rutledge-'58

  • Curt Stogsdill-'58

  • Rex Taylor-'58

  • Martin Wineinger-'58


Copies of the Herald Democrat article by Donna Hunt {'53) about the original construction, the additions, and the demolition of the "original" Denison High School will again be available. 


Our outstanding members--Jay L. and Edwina Leuty Bates, Paula Clark Blind, Bill and Jan McClure, Bobby and Carman Sittle, Dossie and Elayne Tignor Vick, and Clifton and Joyce Brown Weaver--were not present at our March meeting.

Please know that you were truly and sincerely missed!! Some of you are having health problems and we understand but know that you were truly missed.  If those of you who were able to attend have time, please give them a call!!


Our next meeting will be April 17 (the third Wednesday) around 11:30. At our last meeting it was decided to receive a Memorial Gift for John Zachary who passed away on March 5, l2019.  He will be missed by all of us. Please keep his wife MIckye and the family in your prayers. We all shall miss him. 


At our last meeting a group picture was taken by our wonderful server, Piper.  The restaurant requested that we do that so that they could enlarge it and hang a copy in the private room in which we have our meal and meeting. 


Piper, our server, received gratuity amount of $37.00. 



                        SMOKEHOUSE BBQ

                        1123 FT. WORTH DRIVE

                        DENTON, TEXAS 76205




FEBRUARY 20, 2019

Our first meeting at the Smokehouse BBQ, 1123 Fort Worth Drive, Denton, 76205, was WONDERFUL! The meeting was in the private room where we will continue to meet on the third Wednesday of each month.


The meeting was called to order by Rex Taylor and the prayer was offered by Gene Gohlke.  Our server was Piper, daughter of the restaurant's owners, Janet and Earl (Smoky) Koelzer. She did a wonderful job and the food was great and enjoyed by all!!(We were very generous since the food and service were so great we were able to give $45.00 to our server!!) Thirteen of us attended, 9 gentlemen and 4 ladies!!

  • Gene Gohlke-'53

  • Judy Hoover Gohlke-'58

  • Melvin Gouge-'54

  • Gwen Henderson-'62

  • Jerry Don Henderson-'61

  • Fred Lane-'55

  • Bill McClure-'48

  • Jan McClure

  • Bob Sittle-'59

  • Carmen Sittle

  • Curt Stogsdill-'58

  • Rex Taylor-'58

  • Martin Wineinger-'58


The Gohlkes brought dessert, the homemade YELLOW JACKET

cookies made by their daughter-in-law, Stephanie. Of course the were quickly eaten and enjoyed!!


Copies of the Herald Democrat article by Donna Hunt ('53) about  the original  construction, the additions and then the demolition of the "original" Denison High School were passed out for all to read. (Copies are still  available.)




We missed these regulars:

  • Jay L. Bates

  • Edwina Leuty Bates

  • Vance Bates

  • Paula Clark Blind

  • Roy Gaddis

  • Mary Wineinger Kolmer

  • Wanda Box Lane

  • George Odom

  • Linda Odom

  • Vaughn Oliver

  • Bobby Rutledge

  • Chris Stogsdill

  • Haskell Tilson

  • Dossie Vick

  • Elayne Vick

  • Clifton Weaver

  • Joyce Brown (Lee's sister) Weaver








JANUARY 9, 2019

At our wonderful meeting on January 9, Rex Taylor was our  Master of Ceremonies and Gene Gohlke led us in a prayer. 

Due to our monthly meeting place (Golden Corral) closing suddenly, we were able to meet at Sidewalk Cafe in Denton. They are not able to accommodate us on a regular basis so our Lunch Bunch had to make some quick decisions. We must change the meeting day from the second Wednesday to the third Wednesday in order to have a private room at the Smokehouse BBQ, on Fort Worth Drive (Hwy 377) in Denton. 

Our January meeting consisted of the following members:

  • Paula Clark Blind-'60

  • Gene Gohlke-'53

  • Judy Hoover Gohlke-'58

  • Melvin Gouge-'54

  • Gwen Henderson

  • Jerry Don Henderson-'61

  • Mary Kolmer-'61

  • Fred Lane-'55

  • Bill McClure-'48

  • Jan McClure

  • Vaughn Oliver-'59

  • Bob Rutledge-'58

  • Bob Sittle-'59

  • Carmen Sittle

  • Curt Stogsdill-'58

  • Rex Taylor-'58

  • Martin Wineinger-'58


We missed our regular attendees:

  • Jay L. and Edwina Bates and Vance

  • Roy Gaddis

  • Wanda Lane

  • George and Linda Odom

  • Chris Stogsdill

  • Haskell Tilson

  • Dossie and Elayne Vick

  • Clifton and Joyce Weaver

  • John Zackery


Please be in touch with the "missing ones" and let them know that they were missed. Please, also, let them know that the meeting date and place have changed to:

1.The THIRD Wednesday of each month

2.The NEW meeting place will be: Smokehouse BBQ,1123 Fort Worth Drive (Hwy. 377 South) Denton 76205, Phone # (940)566-3073

3. Wave at Golden Corral as you pass by.

4. Don't be misled by the BBQ in the name. They have a wide variety of meals.

January 10, 2018

Special thanks to Martin Wineinger for taking notes, organizing them, and then sending them to me to get to you. 


Even though the group was small in number, the 1958 class was WELL represented!!


The members present were:

  • Mary Wineinger Kolmer - '61

  • Vaughn Oliver - '59

  • Bobby Rutledge - '58

  • Curt Stogsdill - '58

  • Rex Taylor - '58

  • Martin Wineinger -'58


Many members were missed!!

Among those were

Dossie Vick was under the weather.

Gene and Judy had legitimate excuses. 

No idea about the rest who didn't attend. 


Since we were pretty much the same age, we discussed childhood memories we could all relate to. 

Vaughn Oliver brought up the Alumni Association money problems and we all agreed that something needed to be done.


Since three of us attended Layne School and two went to Golden Rule, our lives were very similar, partly due to the fact that both schools were independent and not part of the Denison ISD. Both schools, although miles apart were just outside the Denison city limits, and therefore we were country boys and girls. 


We talked about life in the 40s and 50s and what a great time we had growing up in that era. We went swimming in ponds or creeks, drank water from springs, or at least, that's what we called some of the pools of water that didn't seem to ever dry up. Playing with mercury and lead was something we all did and we survived. Boy, we could make a dime look like a brand new coin by putting it in our hand and rolling it in mercury!!


Rex even said that from the occasional switchings he received, he could testify that the peach tree stitches hurt the most!!


Special thanks to Martin for taking these notes. I enjoyed reading and typing them!! I am telling you that the 1958 class had such a wonderful group of young men!!



We meet at Golden Corral in Denton on the second Wednesday of each month. 

DECEMBER 12, 2018

Our terrific MC was Rex Taylor and Gene Gohlke led us in blessing of the food.


This wonderful meeting celebrated two Denison Lunch Bunch very special events----------

    #1 Our 19th anniversary

    #2 Christmas gift drawing


#1 Our 19th Anniversary-this amazing group began in December 1999, by four (4) 1949 DHS graduates- Clifton Weaver, Marvin Vincent, Ralph Covington, and Billy Moore. They agreed to meet in Denton because of the convenient location between Denison and the DFW area. 

The Denison Lunch Buch has met every month for 19 consecutive years. One month, snow covered the ground and the probability was that no meeting would be held because of the weather. But, Gene Gohlke, Fred Lane, and Curt Stogsdill showed up and had a meeting!!     

The monthly meeting has continued for 19 consecutive years!!   WHAT A RECORD!!  HOORAY!! We are looking forward to 20 years!!! Thanks to Clifton Weaver and others!!


#2 The Christmas gift drawing involved 13 wrapped gifts which were brought by those 14 attending the meeting. Each member drew a number and the gift drawing began. What a joy!! What a wonderful time we had!!

Bobby Sittle also brought a tray of maps of the early, early years of our hometown of Denison!! Judy Gohlke asked that she be able to take the maps home for the first month to return and let someone else take for a month. 


We were blessed with the attendance of 14 members:

  • Gene Gohlke-'53

  • Judy Hoover Gohlke-'58

  • Melvin Gouge-'54

  • Gwen Henderson

  • Jerry Don Henderson-'61

  • David Maddux-'58

  • Bill McClure-'48

  • Jan McClure

  • Bobby Rutledge-'58

  • Bobby Sittle-'59

  • Carmen Sittle

  • Curt Stogsdill-'58

  • Rex Taylor-'58

  • Martin Wineinger-'58


It was great to see and visit with all who attended!! Great to see David Maddux and we look forward to his return!!

Some of the regulars who were absent and let us know the reason were: 

  • Wanda and Fred Lane (Wanda had walking pneumonia),

  • Chris Stogsdill had cataract surgery,

  • Joyce and Clifton Weaver (Clifton was recovering from an infection on his foot),

  • Roy Gattis has been baby sitting but will return soon,

  • Paul Jennings is still employed part time but will return when his schedule is free to do so,

  • Jack Lilley has a standing meeting with Horace Groff and others in Denison and thanks our group for sending this monthly reports,

  • Patsy Swain says she is doing well,

  • Dossie and Elayne Vick are under the weather,

  • Weldon Darr lives in Denison and has some health problems

  • James Carroll reminds us that the Spring Fling will be held in 2019—Horace Groff can supply any information for this event.

Melvin Gouge reported that $82.00 was collected for our excellent server, Diana.  This included extra as a Christmas gift. We absolutely missed all of you who were unable to attend.



November 14, 2018

Rex Taylor served as the master of ceremonies and Gene Gohlke led us in our opening prayer.

The weather was cold but it wasn't raining--eleven members and one guest attended our delightful meeting. 

  • Melvin Gouge-'54

  • Bill McClure-'48

  • Jan McClure

  • Bob Rutledge-'58

  • Bob Sittle-'59 

  • Curt Stogsdill-'58

  • Rex Taylor-'58

  • Clifton Weaver-'49

  • Martin Wineinger-'58

  • Gene Gohlke-'53

  • Judy Hoover Gohlke-'58

Keith Holden, brother-in-law of Curt, was visiting from Canada. We were so pleased to welcome him!

Melvin Gouge read a letter from the daughter of the late Marvin Vincent thanking the Denison Lunch Bunch for the memorial gift given to the Denison Alumni Association in Marvin's name. 


At our last meeting (Oct. 10) a memorial was received for Melvin Brown and Marvin Vincent (both from the class of 1949) to the Denison Alumni Association. 


This month (Nov. 14, 2018) a memorial gift for the late Richard Sneed (class of 1955) was received for the Denison Alumni Association. A discussion led by Clifton about the life of Richard and joined in by the others of us. He will be missed by our Denison Lunch Bunch as will the previously mentioned. 


Some of the regulars who were absent and let us know the reason were:

  • George and Linda Odom - the weather

  • Paula Clark Blind - doctor's appointment

  • John Zachary - fell and injured his head and had brain surgery

  • Fred and Wanda Lane - Wanda wasn't feeling well

  • Carmen Sittle had other plans.

  • Chris Stogsdill was with her sister from Canada.

  • Joyce Weaver had another meeting. 

  • J. L. Bates has had trouble walking.

  • Edwina Leuty Bates was having trouble with an injury suffered at one of our meetings in Denison.


We discussed two article that were in the Herald Democrat written by our own Donna Hunt, class of 1953. The first one was about the area on Armstrong Avenue that had the name "Sugar Bottom" and the reason for that name. 

The other article was about Forest Park receiving the historical marker. 

We had a lot of fun times sharing memories enjoyed by all and talking about both articles. Thanks to Donna Hunt!!!


Melvin Gouge reported that $40.00 was collected for our excellent server, Diana.


We missed all of you who were unable to attend. Hopefully, we will see you at our meeting on December 12, at Golden Corral on the South Loop 288. We thought we would do as we did last year and bring a wrapped gift (cost no more than $20) for the gift exchange!!


Please plan to attend Denison Lunch Bunch Meeting on Wednesday, DECEMBER 12, at 11:30.



October 10, 2018

Rex Taylor served as the master of ceremonies and Gene Gohlke led us in the opening prayer. 

The weather was beautiful with the sun shining after days of rain, rain, and more rain!!Several of us thought we would have a full house, but much to our surprise, only fifteen (15) showed up. 

  • Gene Gohlke-'53

  • Judy Hoover Gohlke-'58

  • Melvin Gouge-'54

  • Fred Lane-'55

  • Bill McClure-'48

  • Jan McClure

  • Bobby Rutledge-'58

  • Carmen Sittle

  • Bobby Sittle-'59

  • Curt Stogsdill-'58

  • Rex Taylor-'58

  • Clifton Weaver-'49

  • Joyce Brown Weaver-'51

  • Martin Wineinger-'58

(Guess which class was best represented???? Guess which class I am in! jg)


The meeting, once again, was so much fun but was sad because of the death of three of our members. Two of these members were DHS graduates in the class of 1949. Melvin Brown passed on September 13, and Marvin Vincent passed on September 27. Both were outstanding football players at Denison High School. The were outstanding citizens also. Melvin was a very successful football coach and Marvin was an All State Quarterback at Denison High School and a successful businessman. Marvin was one of four DHS graduates who started the Denison Lunch Bunch in 1999. As a tribute to these two men we shared our memories of them at our meeting and contributed to a memoral gift that will be given to the Denison Alumni Association in their loving memory. 

The third member of Denison Lunch Bunch that passed was Richard Sneed, from the class of 1955. He died Saturday, October 6.  Richard served in the U. S. Army for a number of years including three years in Germany (1960-63). Upon his discharge from the Army, he worked for several corporations. Later  he taught school and served as a vice-principal and principal in several school districts. After retirement, he and his wife, Linda, moved to Denison where he was active in civic organizations in the community. At our November 14,  meeting we will share memories of Richard and contribute to a memorial gift to the Denison Alumni Association. 


After all of that sad news, we were grateful to Curt Stogsdill who shared with us about the river cruise that he and his wife, Chris, enjoyed last month. Sounded like a lot of fun. Most of the attendees were raised in Denison in the best of times (truly a blessing) and we remembered Burns Run just across Denison Dam in Oklahoma. In the early days of Lake Texoma, one of the best places to swim was Burns Run. It opened in the Spring of 1947. Many of us had stories to share about Burns Run and our fun times going over there, enjoying the amusement park rides and swimming. Donna Hunt, class of 1953, and a member of the Denison Lunch Bunch (we miss her attending the meetings lately) had an article in the Herald Democrat about Burns Run in the September 19, 2018 issue. The article prompted our stories.  Thank you, Donna!!


We missed all of you who were not able to attend!! Hopefully, we will see you at our next meeting on November 14, at the Golden Corral Restaurant on the South Loop in Denton. 


We were able to present our server, Diana, with $33.00, for her excellent attention to our group. If you have a chance, please call on the members who were not present. Encourage them to attend our next Denison Lunch Bunch meeting on Wednesday, November 14. 


Thanks, take care, and try to stay dry!!

Judy Hoover Gohlke



September 12, 2018

We had a wonderful luncheon meeting at Golden Corral Restaurant in Denton. We met from 11:30 until 1:30 and had a GREAT time! Rex Taylor was the master of ceremonies and Gene Gohlke led us in prayer for our meal.


There were only nine of us there, probably because of the rainy weather. 

  • John Zachery-'50

  • Martin Wineinger-'58

  • Joyce Brown Weaver-'51

  • Clifton Weaver-'49

  • Rex Taylor-'58

  • Bobby Rutledge-'58

  • Melvin Gouge-'54

  • Judy Hoover Gohlke-'58

  • Gene Gohlke-'53



Some of us must drive quite a distance and Melvin, Fred, Gene and I appreciate all you do to get here! (The four of us live here in Denton!)

Members who were unable to attend and the reasons (as far as we know) are listed:

  • Paula Clark Blind-'60 - had an appointment

  • Fred Lane-'55 - was busy

  • Vaughn Oliver-'59 - teaching

  • Bobby Sittle-'59 - out of town

  • Curt Stogsdill-'58 - out of town


We also missed YOU and these usual attendees:

  • Edwina Leuty Bates and Jay L. Bates and Vance Bates

  • Jerry Don and Gwen Henderson

  • Mary Kolmer

  • Wanda Lane

  • Bill and Jan McClure

  • George and Linda Odom

  • Richard Sneed

  • Dossie Vick


We had a lot of talking and remembering our younger years of growing up in Denison.


We were able to present our server, Diana, with $17 for her excellent attention. 


We missed you (if you weren't here) and hope that you will be able to attend our next meeting!!! Seriously, the class of '58 is GREAT but we will be willing to let another class top our totals every once in a while! (I, Judy, am from the class of '58, but I know my classmates are willing to sacrifice the honor!)


One of our very longtime active members before his illness, MELVIN BROWN, passed on September 13. Memorial service was held Saturday, September 15, at Park Avenue Church of Christ in Denison. Some of our members were able to attend. A memorial fund will be collected at our next meeting. 


If you weren't able to attend our September meeting, please try to come to our next meeting on Wednesday, October 10, 2018 at the Denton Golden Corral Restaurant to defend yourself and not be talked about!! HA-Ha!! Come to share your stories of growing up in Denison!!


Please call our absent members and make sure that they will be at our October meeting on October 10. We promise that you will have a wonderful time, and be will be so happy to see you!!


August 8, 2018

A great time was had at our monthly meeting by the thirteen (13) attending at the Golden Corral Restaurant in Denton from 11:30-1:30 with lunch and socializing. 


Rex Taylor was our wonderful M.C. and Gene Gohlke gave our opening prayer.

Members present were:

  • Paula Clark Blind-'60

  • Gene Gohlke-'53

  • Judy Hoover Gohlke-'58

  • Melvin Gouge-'54

  • Mary Wineinger Kolmer-'61

  • Fred Lane-'55

  • Bill McClure-'48

  • Jan McClure

  • George Odom-'48

  • Linda Odom

  • Curt Stogsdill-'58

  • Rex Taylor-'58

  • Martin Wineinger-'58

Once again--HOORAY for class of 1958!!!


Members who were unable to attend that notified us:

  • Jerry Don and Gwen Henderson

  • Bobby Rutledge

  • Clifton and Joyce Brown Weaver


Martin Wineinger left early because his wife had a medical appointment. 


Stories and discussions were led by Rex Taylor and everyone present:

Gene Gohlke, Judy Gohlke, Fred Lane, Bill McClure, George Odom and Rex Taylor! We really enjoyed sharing these memories of our growing up in the "best of times in the best of towns!!"


We missed YOU, if you weren't there, and also these who regularly attend:

Jay L. Bates, Edwina Bates, Vance Bates, Jerry Don and Gwen Henderson, Wanda Lane, Vaughn Oliver, Bobby Rutledge, Bobby and Carmen Sittle, Richard Sneed, Chris Stogsdill, Dossie Vick, Clifton and Joyce Weaver, 

John Zackery. 


These members had other commitments or health issues:

Carl Bilderback, Billy Carr, Roy Gaddis, Terry Garland, Horace Groff, 

Paul Ryan Jennings, Freddy Lessly, Bud Nevil, Haskell Tilson, 

Marvin Vincent......and YOU, if you weren't there!


We miss you and hope that you will attend our next meeting on 






June 13, 2018
We met at Golden Corral Restaurant at 11:30. 
Rex Taylor served as M.C. and Gene Gohlke opened the meeting with a prayer. Fourteen members were present:

  • Gene Gohlke-'53                          

  • Bobby Sittle-'59

  • Judy Hoover Gohlke'58

  • Richard Sneed-'55

  • Melvin Gouge-'54

  • Rex Taylor-'58

  • Fred Lane-'55                        

  • Clifton Weaver-'49

  • George Odom-'48                       

  • Joyce Brown Weaver-'51

  • Linda Odom                                           

  • Martin Wineinger-'58

  • Bobby Rutledge-'58                        

  • John Zachery-'50

George and Linda Odom had to leave early for an appointment. 
Bobby Sittle shared a Denison story and then he had to leave.     
Clifton Weaver encouraged us to invite other since our group gatherings have  decreased in  number of attendees. We are the only ones who can encourage and bring our Denison  classmates, spouses, and other friends.

Richard Sneed discussed the time that he was on the national news concerning a near shooting at Scurry High School where he was the principal. He stopped a kid from burning the school and shooting classmates. This occurred in 2002. Richard Sneed was and still is a HERO. Richard's father was Dr. Sneed who had a medical clinic on Woodard. 

Rex Taylor conveyed several stories about growing up in Denison. John Zachary, Fred Lane, and Bobby Rutledge joined in the sharing. Each of us has stories of how fun, safe, and friendly Denison has treated us. 

Joyce Weaver, who has been absent for several meetings, stressed that each of us should be careful and not break a bone in your ankle (or anyplace else).
She also reported that she could not have made it without her loving husband Clifton. 

The stories continued and we broke up into three different groups all with their
We gathered at the exit door with more talking and promising each other that we would return on July 11, for our next meeting of the Denison Lunch Bunch. 

Diana, our regular server, is back after her maternity leave. Today, Melvin collected $45.00 for her excellent service. 

Members absent that contacted us explaining their absence were:

  • Edwina Leuty and Jay L. Bates were absent due to Jay's having had foot surgery after a fall. 

  • Paula Clark Blind had a conflicting appointment. 

  • Mary Kolmer was working on medical problems.

  • Wanda Lane was unable to attend.

  • Vaughn Oliver is back in school (as a teacher).

  • Carmen Sittle was unable to attend. 

  • Chris and Curt Stogsdill were out of town. 

  • Marvin Vincent was having some health problems. 

We had a wonderful time at the Denison Lunch Bunch but we MISSED YOU! 

We know that you have stories that you will be happy to share but you must attend so that we can hear those terrific stories!! Be thinking of those stories and 
                                      COME TO THE NEXT MEETING
                                      ON JULY 11, 2018 FOR LUNCH
                                      AT GOLDEN CORRAL RESTAURANT
                                      IN DENTON ON  SOUTH LOOP 288!!!


May 9, 2018

Rex Taylor was the Master of Ceremonies and Gene Gohlke led us in prayer before the meeting. 

Our members who were absent that we knew the cause of their absences:

  • Clifton and Joyce Weaver-Joyce is still having trouble with her broken ankle.

  • Horace and Jeanne Groff-Denison public service keep both of them very busy.

  • Fred and Wanda Lane-Fred had a doctor's appointment in Lewisville. 

  • Donna and David Hunt-Donna was doing public service and David is recovering from some health problems.

  • Marvin Vincent was having some health problems.

We read a wonderful article about Horace and Jeanne Groff in the Herald Democrat. The article was published on Sunday, February 11, 2018, and told of their dedication to Denison and the citizens of the area! They are an inspiration!!

Eighteen members were present:

  • Gene Gohlke-'53                          

  • Bobby Rutledge-'58

  • Judy Hoover Gohlke-'58                          

  • Bobby Sittle-'59

  • Melvin Gouge-'54                          

  • Carmen Sittle

  • Gwen Henderson                                        

  • Richard Sneed-'55

  • Jerry Don Henderson-'61                          

  • Chris Stogsdill

  • Mary Wineinger Kolmer-'61                       

  • Curt Stogsdill-'58

  • Bill McClure-'48                       

  • Rex Taylor-'58

  • Jan McClure                                               

  • Martin Wineinger-'58

  • Vaughn Oliver-'59                       

  • John Zachary-'50

It was wonderful to see so many who had missed a few meetings. We had a great time remembering and discussing fun times growing up in Denison!!

We were able to give $60.00 to our terrific server. 

If you were unable to attend, please know that YOU WERE MISSED!! We encourage you to attend our next meeting. 
Remember that all Denison Alumni, their spouses, and their friends are encouraged to attend. We meet at Golden Corral on the second Wednesday around 11:30.



March 14, 2018
Rex Taylor served as MC. Gene Gohlke led us in prayer before the meeting. 
We had some newcomers at the meeting:

  • Sharon Condon Loyd    '67

  • Luann Condon Ward      '65

  • Gail Condon Grant         '58

Unable to attend (that we know about):
Clifton and Joyce Weaver - Joyce is still down due to her previous fall suffering a bad  break in her ankle.
Carl Bilderback has had oral surgery.

Curt Stogsdill told of his trip to Kentucky with his cousins the Condon sisters. It must have been a wonderful trip!! Luann added insightful comments. They must have had an absolutely grand trip. 

Gene mentioned that he really missed Martin Wineinger at the last meeting. No one took pictures!

$28 was collected for the great server, Diana. She will be out for a few months on maternity leave. 

Regular attendees absent and missed:

  • Edwina Bates                  

  • Gwen Henderson                   

  • George Odom

  • Jay L. Bates                    

  • Jerry Henderson                     

  • Linda Odom

  • Vance Bates                    

  • Mary Kolmer                           

  • Vaughn Oliver

  • Carl Bilderback               

  • Bill McClure                             

  • Carmen Sittle

  • Roy Gaddis                      

  • Jan McClure                            

  • Bobby Sittle

  • Marvin Vincent                 

  • Clifton Weaver                       

  • Joyce Weaver

Members present:

  • Paula Clark Blind- '60           

  • Chris Stogsdill

  • Gene Gohlke-'53               

  • Curt Stogsdill- '58

  • Judy Hoover Gohlke-'58      

  • Rex Taylor-'58

  • Wanda Box Lane-'59             

  • Martin Wineinger-'58

  • Bobby Rutledge-'58               

  • John Zackery-'50

Cousins of Curt Stogsdill attending:

  • Gail Condon Grant '58

  • Sharon Condon Loyd '67

  • Luann Condon Ward '65

Thanks to Curt for encouraging them to attend. Maybe they will be back often--we hope!! Our next meeting will be Wednesday, April 11. All Denison High School alumni and their spouses and friends are encouraged to attend!




February 14, 2018

We had a wonderful meeting on February 14!! We missed many of our regulars but still enjoyed our time together. 
Rex Taylor served as MC. Gene Gohlke led the prayer. 

These members let us know that they would not be able to attend:

  • Carl Bilderback was with his brother, Doug, who was having surgery. 

  • Clifton Weaver was with his wife as she still suffers with her broken ankle. 

  • Martin Wineinger's wife was ill.

  • Bobby Rutledge was suffering with the flu.

  • Marvin Vincent has been in and out of the hospital. 

  • Fred Lane's wife, Wanda, had her wisdom teeth pulled early in the morning of our meeting. 

Our wonderful server, Diana, has been our server for many years and will take a leave of absence to have her baby in April. What a blessing!! Melvin  Gouge reported that $35.00 was collected for Diana!

My goodness!! Stories were told and enjoyed by all!! Rex Taylor led the group with the most tales of growing up in Denison!! What a wonderful time we had. 

Members in attendance: 

  • Edwina Leuty Bates ('48)

  • Jay L. Bates  ('48)

  • Vance Bates

  • Paula Clark Blind ('60)

  • Gene Gohlke ('53)

  • Judy Hoover Gohlke ('58)

  • Melvin Gouge (('54)

  • Bill McClure ('48)

  • Jan McClure

  • George Odom ('48)

  • Bobby Sittle  ('59)

  • Carmen Sittle

  • Curt Stogsdill ('58)

  • Rex Taylor ('58)

  • John Zachery ('50)

Regular Attendees Missing from our meeting:

  • Carl Bilderback                               

  • Richard Sneed

  • Gwen Henderson                           

  • Chris Stogsdill

  • Jerry Don Henderson                      

  • Haskell Tfilson

  • Mary Kolmer                                   

  • Dossie Vick

  • Fred Lane                                       

  • Elayne Vick

  • Wanda Lane                                   

  • Marvin Vincent

  • Linda Odom                                   

  • Clifton Weaver

  • Vaughn Oliver                                

  • Joyce Weaver                        

  • Bobby Rutledge                             

  • Martin Wineinger




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